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1 Introduction
1.1 Short history of Esperanto
1.2 Linguistic characteristics of Esperanto
2 Writing and pronunciation
3 Parts of speech and inflection
3.1 Case and number
3.2 Article
3.3 Noun
3.4 Adjectives
3.5 Pronouns
3.6 Correlatives
3.7 Numerals
3.8 Verb
3.9 Adverbs
3.10 Prepositions
3.11 Conjunctions
3.12 Interjections
4 Word building
4.1 Composites
4.2 Affixes
4.3 The rest
5 Short syntax overview
5.1 Accusative
5.2 Agreement
5.3 Word order
5.4 Question
5.5 Negation
1.2 Linguistic characteristics of Esperanto
Esperanto is a highly regular language of agglutinal type. Some of the categories are expressed synthetically and some analytically. There is only one paradigm for nouns and one paradigm for verbs. Widgets